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Pest Control Personnel Registration Scheme

[Latest Update]: In view of the recent development of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, Pest Control Personnel Registration Scheme will temporarily stop receive any applications in person. Any practitioners wishing to submit their applications shall submit the required documents via mail until further notice.



The Pest Control Personnel Registration Scheme has been developed to formulate qualification required for the pest control industry. All qualified in-service practitioners are encouraged to register for the three types of pest control personnel, namely Pesticide Applicator, Provisional Pest Control Technician and Pest Control Technician, as appropriate on a voluntary basis. The scheme is to establish minimum qualification requirements for practitioners and to help them gain professional recognition in the industry.


The registration is applicable to:

Pesticide Applicator carrying out pesticide application.

Provisional Pest Control Technician possessing knowledge with regards to pest control operations.

Pest Control Technician possessing knowledge and practical experience with regards to pest control operations.


Expected Benefits

Expected benefits for Scheme registrants include:

  • Showcase professional competency;
  • Display the Registration on your CV or name card; and
  • Demonstrate professional skills, thereby increasing chances for promotion and career development.

Related Material

*for Pest Control Technician Only


List of Delisted Personnel (as of October 2021)

List of Suspended Personnel (as of October 2021)

List of Terminated Personnel (as of October 2021)

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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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