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Global Sustainability Services

Social and Labor Convergence Project Verification

The Social & Labor Convergence Project (SLCP) is facilitated by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC). The SLCP adopts a multi-stakeholder programme including manufacturers, brands, retailers, agency organisations, industry associations, auditing organisations, consulting agencies and governmental organsations (observers). All parties are committed to collaborate in an inclusive and trusting manner.
The SLCP aims to develop and implement an industry-wide Converged Assessment Framework (CAF). The CAF is efficient in collecting social and labor data to support stakeholders to improve working conditions in global supply chains. Compared to other compliance audits, the Framework is standard-neutral to collect factory performance data in a consistent and reliable method, and thus enabling data sharing and comparison across brands and organisations. The SLCP focuses on social and labor issues consisting of 9 core components, including recruitment and employment, working hours, wages and welfares, employee benefits, employee participation, health and safety, termination of employment, management systems, labor welfare and social influences.
As a third-party audit body, HKQAA can provide SLCP verification service for the factories. For detailed information, please contact Shanghai and Guangzhou offices.
  • Demonstrate organisation’s social responsibility compliance
  • Information sharing - enable organisations to share the verified data easily with customers through the platform
  • SLCP project verification is conductive to factory risk management, protecting the interests of employees and the reputation of the factory.

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