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Introduction of Food Hygiene Standard FHS 001: 2013 to Improve the Operation of Food Hygiene and Safety Performance in Hong Kong Catering Sector

Hong Kong catering industry is characterized by its variety of dishes and complex manufacturing processes. However, there is an absence of food hygiene and safety standard for food preparation. In response to this, HKQAA has been subsidized by the SME Development Fund (SDF) of the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department to develop "Introduction of Food Hygiene Standard FHS 001: 2013 to improve the operation of food hygiene and safety performance in Hong Kong catering sector" project. The project aims to promote the understanding of the importance and applicability of the FHS system, to encourage the implementation of the system, and thus to promote the long-term development of the industry.


  • Improve employees' competency on the operation of food hygiene and safety standard
  • Improve food hygiene and safety standard to avoid food-poisoning accidents
  • Strengthen diners' confidence
  • Enhance the goodwill of the firm, thus to strengthen its competitiveness
  • Enhance the image of Hong Kong catering industry and consolidate the reputation of "City of Gastronomy"

Project Period

The project lasts for 18 months, starting from 1 April 2019 to 30 September 2020

Food Hygiene and Safety Charter

  • Training course
  • "One to one" onsite consultation


Please click here to view the " Food Hygiene and Safety Charter” Result Report (Chinese Only)


Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the Project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Trade and Industry Department or the Vetting Committee of the SME Development Fund and the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (Organisation Support Programme). 


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