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HKQAA Net-Zero Certificate Scheme

To enable organisations to demonstrate their achievement or commitment to net-zero carbon emission, the HKQAA launched HKQAA Net-Zero Certificate Scheme (Scheme) under the series of the HKQAA Registration Scheme. It makes references to different international standard, including ISO 14064 series, World Resources Institute (WRI) Greenhouse Gas Protocol, PAS 2060, and other relevant international and national standards.

The scheme applies to organizations of all types and sizes aiming to help organizations demonstrate their commitment to or achievement of Net-Zero for the boundary selected and defined by the organization. The boundary can be the whole organization's operation, specific physical site(s)/ function(s) of the organization, any event(s), project(s), product(s), and/or service(s) provided by the organization. According to their needs and progression in achieving Net-Zero, there are three classes of certificates that organizations can choose to apply for:

1) Disclosure of Carbon Emission Certificate. This certificate offers an alternative for all sizes of organizations, whether listed or unlisted, as a starting point on the Net-Zero pathway by disclosing their carbon emissions following the structural disclosure framework.

2) Commitment to Net-Zero Certificate. This certificate showcases the organization’s progress toward net-zero carbon emission and its commitment by disclosing the action plan and the milestone in achieving net-zero carbon emission, as well as the methodology used to reduce the carbon emission being generated.

3) Achievement of Net-Zero Certificate. There are two sub-types of certificates under this class, namely i) Achievement of Carbon Peak Certificate and ii) Achievement of Net-Zero Certificate.

i) Achievement of Carbon Peak Certificate. This certificate showcases the boundary defined by the organization which has reached its peak of carbon emission within a specified year. Organizations are required to disclose their methods in maintaining their carbon emission, the methods used in reducing it and committed not to exceed its peaking point in the subsequent years.

ii) Achievement of Net-Zero Certificate. This certificate demonstrates the effort that the organization devoted in achieving net-zero carbon emission within the defined boundary by disclosing the method used in reducing carbon emission and the method used to offset residual carbon emission, and committed that the carbon emission will be further reduced/ or maintained net-zero carbon emission in the subsequent years. This certificate enables the organization to demonstrate their achievement of a certain percentage of carbon reduction, or net zero carbon emission.

This Scheme provides a structural disclosure framework for organizations to disclose their progress on the pathway to Net-Zero, which is a useful tool if an organization is planning to achieve Net-Zero and inform stakeholders about their latest achievement and/or commitment toward Net-Zero. The certificate will enhance the public and stakeholders’ confidence and appeal to sustainability-conscious investors and customers.

Any organization interested in the scheme has to submit an application form, an assessment checklist and supporting documents to HKQAA. HKQAA’s assessment team will then assess the submitted evidence submitted by the organization according to the scheme requirements. On-site visit, teleconferences and/or virtual meetings may be arranged if HKQAA needs to clarify any issues, or confirm the assessment findings or conclusion.


Benefits in obtaining this Registration:

  • Demonstrate the effort and commitment made by the organization on the pathway to net-zero carbon emission
  • Appeal to sustainability-conscious investors and customers
  • Enhance the confidence of the public and stakeholders
  • Provide a structural disclosure framework for listed/ unlisted organizations


Please click here for the list of certificate holder. 


Terms and Conditions 

of the HKQAA Net-Zero Certificate Scheme.














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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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