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Global Sustainability Services

Improving the supply chain management and food hygiene and safety operations of the food business amid the pandemic

Faced with the impact of COVID-19, the catering industry bears the brunt. In order to reduce the risk of virus transmission, the catering industry has fully cooperated with the government to implement relevant anti-pandemic measures and policies for gathering restrictions. However, the public still has doubts about the risk of infection when dining out and are unwilling to eat out. To reduce operating costs, many restaurants have had to shorten their business hours or even suspend business. 
To increase the public’s confidence in eating out, the Association of Restaurant Managers has received funding from the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund of the Trade and Industry Department to implement this project to formulate the “Anti-pandemic Food Hygiene and Safety Monitoring” code and implement a pilot scheme under the same name, helping the industry to equip themselves continuously, strengthening competitiveness and standout in the industry. In addition, the demand for online sales and takeaway services has grown rapidly under the pandemic, and the industry can seize the opportunity to develop new business models to maintain the long-term development of the catering industry.



•    Improve employees' competency on the operation of food hygiene and safety standard
•    Improve food hygiene and safety standard 
•    Strengthen diners' confidence in eating out
•    Enhance the goodwill of the firm, thus to strengthen its competitiveness

Project Period

The project lasts for 12 months, starting from 1 June 2021 to 31 August 2022

Food Hygiene and Safety Charter

  • Training course
    "One to one" onsite consultation

Please click here to view the result report. (Chinese Only) 

“Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund.” 

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