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Global Sustainability Services

HKQAA Sustainable Building Index (HKQAA SBI)

Enhance and showcase your building’s value
  • Identify ideas in need of continual improvement, enhance your building’s appreciation potential
  • Encourage reporting of sustainability performance to showcase your building’s quality and value
  • A simple and inexpensive tool designed with a balance of social, economic and environmental considerations
  • Based on the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)-FI / SBCI’s financial & sustainability metrics report, and a few key ISO standards regarding building sustainability, including ISO 15392 & ISO 21929-1:2011
  • Applicable to buildings of all ages and types
  • Facilitates buildings to measure and benchmark their sustainability performance against the norm performance of the buildings in Hong Kong as a whole

For more information about the HKQAA SBI, please visit



The Project is funded by the Sustainable Development Fund


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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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