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Global Sustainability Services

Green and Sustainable Finance Assessment and Verification Service

Responsible investment and Green Finance have been growing rapidly in the global market. To cope with the trends, HKQAA offers a range of Green and Sustainable finance assessment and verification services to suit different needs of issuers, borrowers and financial institutions. 
Service name
Use of proceeds instrument
1. Greenness assessment for green loan
Alignment with APLMA, LMA, LSTA Green Loan Principles
Assessment Conclusion
2. Second-party Opinion on Green/ Sustainable Finance Framework    
Alignment with Green/ Social Loan/ Bond Principles; or Sustainability Bond Guidelines
Second-party Opinion Report
3. Green/ Sustainable Finance Report Verification    
The issuer’s Green/ Sustainable Finance Framework
Verification Report and Verification Statement
General Corporate Purposes Instrument
4. Sustainability-linked Loan (SLL) Assessment
Alignment with APLMA, LMA, LSTA Sustainability-linked Loan Principles    
Assessment Conclusion
5. Second-party Opinion on Sustainability-linked Loan (SLL)/ Sustainability-linked Bond (SLB) Framework    
Alignment with APLMA, LMA, LSTA Sustainability-linked Loan Principles or ICMA Sustainability-linked Bond Principles
Second-party Opinion Report
6. SLL/ SLB Report Verification    
The definitions of KPI specified in the legal documentation or Framework
Verification Report and Verification Statement
  • Demonstrate issuers or borrowers' effort in improving and promoting sustainability environments; 
  • Enhance the transparency and stakeholder confidence on the green or sustainable debt instrument via independent, impartial third-party conformity assessments; 
  • The use of debt for improving the sustainability profile of the issuers or borrowers may result in secondary financial benefits such as lower operating costs; 
  • Enable companies better communicate their sustainability strategy to relevant stakeholders.

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