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Brand Evaluation Certification

A “Star-level Brand Enterprise” is a company which builds a good brand culture according to the requirements of GB/T 27925-2011 Evaluation of Business Enterprise Brand and Guide of Enterprise Culture Construction, and attains a particular level of performance. An enterprise’s brand is established by integrating a number of brand management elements to shape an overall image. These elements include enterprises’ competence, quality, value, reputation, influence and corporate culture, which are demonstrated through the management and activities related to its name, logo, image design, and among others.
HKQAA’s Brand Evaluation Certification was developed in accordance with the national standard GB/T 27925-2011. By evaluating the approaches, methods and forms adopted by an enterprise in the process of brand building, together with the indicator scoring of each brand management element, HKQAA will provide a comprehensive evaluation for an enterprise brand with a star rating.
The rating of a “Star-level Brand Enterprise” has four levels. From low to high scores, they are two-star, three-star, four-star and five-star brands. The highest level is the five-star brand.
  • Provide enterprises with the direction to build corporate brand and culture
  • Enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises
  • Increase customers’ trust in the enterprise brand

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