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ISO 50001

Energy Management Systems Certification
Drive improvement in energy performance

The impact of climate change, depletion of energy resources and volatility of fuel prices have become increasingly apparent and triggered the needs to promote energy efficiency and prudent energy use.

ISO 50001, the new international Energy Management Standard, specifies the requirements for organisations to establish an Energy Management System (EnMS) to enhance their overall energy performance, including energy efficiency, use and consumption.

With this effective and reliable energy management system, organisations can improve their energy efficiency, review energy performance, save energy cost and contribute to the reduction of carbon emission. 

Benefits of Certification

  • Reduces the cost of energy use and consumption 
  • Better use of energy-consuming assets
  • Improves transparency and communication on the management of energy resources 
  • Evaluates and prioritises the implementation of new energy-efficient technologies 
  • Promotes energy efficiency throughout the supply chain

Scope of Application

ISO 50001 is applicable to all types and sizes of organisations, whether commercial, industrial, or institutional. As with other management system standards, the complexity of the system, degree of documentation and resources needed can be tailored to fit the requirements of any organisation, large or small, public or private. 

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