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Buyer Program

Through the development and promotion of regulatory standards and consumer protection laws over the years, consumers are well aware of their rights and prefer safe products from social responsible brands. Besides, pressure groups are closely monitoring social performance of brands and publicize non-ethical practices happened in the factories where branded products are produced. Buyers including brand owners, department stores, buying offices and sourcing companies, need to develop buyer program to control their supply chain so as to address concerns of stakeholders.

Different types of control are necessary to cope with the operational needs of various stages of purchasing process.
Stage of Purchasing
Typical Control
Vendor Selection
·         Management System Audit
·         Code of Conduct Audit
·         Production Capability Audit
·         Quality Review (Product Specifications)
·         Technical Review (Regulatory Requirements)
During Production
·         Process Audit
·         Product Audit
·         QA Audit
Regular Monitoring
·         Management System Audit
·         Code of Conduct Audit
Most buyers will work with conformity assessment body. Buyer Programme Professionals of HKQAA provide technical support to buyers to develop and execute customized programmes to address different focuses and priorities that are affected by product nature, order size and credentials of vendors.

The comprehensive conformity assessment service scope and expert audit personnel can help to buyers implement an effective buyer programmes without having to make a large investment in technical expertise, as well as saving on travelling time and expenses.

Buyers can contact us through our representative in United States and United Kingdom or contact our Hong Kong office directly.

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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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