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HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Identifiable Source Products

Give Consumer Confidence with Identifiable Source

There are numerous merchants and products in the market. When a consumer makes purchase decision, a merchant which can tell the source of its products is more reliable than one which cannot provide information of its products’ source.

The HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Identifiable Source Products aims to recognise an organisation’s capability to maintain and retrieve identifiable source records of products so as to enhance consumers’ confidence.


  • Consumers can scan the unique QR code on product with their smartphones to confirm that the product is supplied by a registered organisation

  • Enables businesses to demonstrate their commitment to providing products with identifiable sources to their customers

  • Enhances the registered organisation’s brand image and reputation

  • Raises public awareness of the importance of combating counterfeit products

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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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