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ISO 22716 Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices Certification Scheme  |  US FDA Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certification Scheme  

ISO 22716 Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices Certification Scheme

Minimise Product Safety Risk and Enhancing Organisations’ Competitiveness


ISO 22716 Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is a guideline for the cosmetic industry. It takes specific needs of cosmetic products’ management practices into account that cover production, control, storage and shipment. The guideline offers practical advice on the management of human, technical and administrative factors affecting product quality.


BenefitsList of Certification

  • Help minimise risks associated with the safety of cosmetics products
  • Gain the confidence of the public and business partners
  • Demonstrate organisations’ commitment to maintaining product safety at an optimal level
  • Raise organisations’ competitiveness in the international market
  • Promote organisations’ reputation


List of Certification


Please click here for the list of certification of the Scheme. 


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