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Registration Services

Encouraging Good Practice in Food Waste Management

In response to industrial and social needs, HKQAA has been subsidised by the Recycling Fund of the Government to develop the “HKQAA Hong Kong Registration – Food Waste Recycling”. The scheme promotes good practice in food waste recycling in order to help enhance industry operations and increase the amount of food waste which is recycled. It also enables our city to move towards a circular economy so that resources are used efficiently throughout their life cycle.

This scheme encourages source separation of food waste and fosters a behavioral change in organisations. It aims to help enhance their performance in recycling and reduce food waste disposed to landfills in the long run.


  • Enhance the skills in managing food waste recycling record
  • Improve the operation and public image of food waste recycling industry
  • Provide a communication platform for food waste producers and collectors
  • Raise the public awareness about food waste recycling
  • Reduce the burden on landfills

The registration is applicable to: 

  • Food Waste Collector: Organisations participating in transporting food waste from source to recycling plant, such as: Collection, Separation, Transportation and Storage
  • Food Waste Recycler: Organisations participating in recycling food waste to raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products
  • Companion: Organisations participating in food waste collection and source separation, such as: Restaurants, Food manufacturing factories or processing plants, Food retailers, supermarkets, food markets, Property management companies, Facility management companies


Pilot Program

HKQAA accepted the pilot program application from 12 October, 2017 until 20 March 2018, and the brief introduction on the registration scheme can be downloaded here (only available in Chinese). The application fee and the annual fee for the first year were funded by the Recycling Fund for successful applicants of the pilot program.

* HKQAA  reserves the right to change the contents, fees and rules of registration without notice.


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