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Guidebook on upgrading the pest control services of Hong Kong pest control SMEs


Safe and proper application of pesticides on site is important to the well-being of the customers and the public. Currently, there is no statutory control on the qualification of the personnel and on the companies who perform the pesticide application in the customer designed site. 

To meet the market needs, the Hong Kong Pest Management Association (HKPMA) appointed HKQAA as the implementation agent to carry out a project on “Upgrading the Pest Control Services of Hong Kong Pest Control SMEs” in 2018. Funded by the SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department, the Project aims to raise the professional competence of practitioners and SMEs in providing pest control services, and strengthen their competitiveness in the market.

Under the Project, HKQAA developed the “Guidebook on upgrading the pest control services of Hong Kong pest control SMEs,” which targets to help local practitioners in formulating their management and operational requirements, thus to improve their performance and enhance their professionalism. 

Please click here to view and download the “Guidebook on upgrading the pest control services of Hong Kong pest control SMEs”.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the Project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Trade and Industry Department or the Vetting Committee of the SME Development Fund and the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (Organisation Support Programme). 


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