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2024-07-16 Hang Seng Teams Up with HKQAA to Launch SME Green Equipment Financing Assessment Platform
2024-06-27 HKQAA's Green Finance Certification Case Selected as "2024 Guangdong Green Financial Reform and Innovation Promotion Case" (Chinese Only)
2024-06-20 HKQAA Visits Fujian Administration for Market Regulation
2024-06-20 HKQAA Attends 2024 World Accreditation Day Event – China Certification and Accreditation Conference
2024-05-30 HKQAA Symposium - Build a Livable, Competitive and Sustainable City • Hong Kong 2024
2024-04-22 MoU signed with China General Chamber of Commerce
2024-04-18 MoU signed with Bank of Dongguan, Hong Kong Branch
2024-04-16 MoU signed with Nanyang Commercial Bank
2024-04-10 MoU signed with The Elderly Services Association of Hong Kong
2024-03-12 HKQAA ESG Connect Networking and Sharing Session – Low Carbon Economy

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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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