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HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Personnel Series

 Recognise your Professional Competence in Management Systems,
Encourage Continuing Professional Development

In the start-up for this initiative, we welcome all those who have competence and comprehensive working knowledge in Management Systems to apply for registration. For individual applicant, you many register as:
  • Quality Management Professional 
  • Environmental Management Professional
  • Quality Management Officer
  • Environmental Management Officer
  • Quality Management Auditor
  • Environmental Management Auditor
  • Anti-bribery Leader
  • Anti-bribery Ambassador
  • Food Safety and Hygiene Professional
  • Food Safety and Hygiene Trainer
  • Food Safety and Hygiene Manager
  • Food Safety and Hygiene Officer
  • Food Safety and Hygiene Technician 
Organisations which commit to the improvement of their employees’ competence can join as “Companions”.

Being a registered personnel, you can:
  • Showcase your professional competence in management systems
  • Display the Registration Mark and Abbreviation on your CV or name card
  • Enhance your professional skills, increase personal exposure and expand business network through our e-platform & exchange activities
  • Enjoy a special discount when joining HKQAA’s public training courses
  • Receive first-hand information of management trends from HKQAA
Being a Companion, your organisation can:
  • Obtain recognition for your commitment to your staff development and nurturing of management talents in Hong Kong
  • Showcase your social responsibility and contribution to the future development of our society
  • Display the Companion Mark on your publicity materials for easy identification by the general public

The Terms and Conditions of the HKQAA Hong Kong Registration – Personnel Series

Apply Enquiry Request Quotation Terms & Condition


Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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