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“Service Gauge” Mystery Shopping Programme  |  “Sales Gauge” Mystery Shopping Programme  |  Mystery Shopping Programme – Follow Up Service  |  Shopability Assessment  

Mystery Shopping Programme – Follow Up Service

Customer Service Training
To provide a total solution for service enhancement, HKQAA provides customer service training programme for both frontline staff and staff at supervisory level.
Followings are some training courses provided by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, tailor-made courses can also be designed according to clients’ needs.

1. Frontline Staff Training Workshop
Quality Service:
  • Concept of quality customer service 
  • Trend of customers’ need
  • Excellent Service vs poor Service 
  • Current difficulties and challenges faced by staff
  • Responsibilities and rights of staff 
  • Basic customer service communication skill
  • The use of tones and body language
  • Customer relationship building 
Complaint Handling Skill:
  • The procedure of handling complaint cases
  • Causes and types of complaint cases
  • Psychological status of complaining customers
  • Positive thinking development
  • Stress and emotional management
  • The use of listening and empathy
  • Clarification Techniques
  • Negotiation skills
  • Types of troublesome customer 
  • Handling troublesome customer skills 
2. Leadership Training Workshop (Supervisory Level)
  • Efficient time and work management
  • Creative problem solving skill
  • Efficient communication and influencing skills
  • Quality customer service skill
  • Supervisory management skill
  • Team building skill

Quality Service Recognition Program

To encourage high quality service and to express the management’s consciousness on quality service of frontline staff, HKQAA has established the “Quality Service Recognition Program”. Based on the mystery shoppers’ assessment, the best shop or staff in the company can be identified and granted the recognition award.


If you are interested in our "Sales Gauge" and "Service Gauge" mystery shopping programme schemes, please send us your contact details to, or contact us at 2202 9111.

Related Services 

"Service Gauge" Mystery Shopping Programme

"Sales Gauge" Mystery Shopping Programme 
Service Quality Management (SQM) 

Shopability Assessment



If you are interested in the mystery shopper assessment, please contact us at 2202 9111 or send your contact details
Becoming Mystery Shopper

If you are interested to join our Mystery Shopper team, please forward your resume to the Human Resource Office at

(*The HKQAA’s Mystery Shopper Assessment scheme does not appoint any company or individual to recruit mystery customers. The recruitment of mystery customers is directly administered by the HKQAA’s Human Resources Unit. If you have any enquiries in this matter, please contact our Human Resources Unit.)

Information provided will be kept in strict confidence and only be used for recruitment purpose. 


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