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Certification Services

ISO 9001  |  SQM  |  ISO 10002  |  GPMS  |  HKQAA - 5S  


Services Quality Management Certification Scheme 

In the highly competitive retail business, an enjoyable shopping experience will establish a higher position in a customer’s priority list of desired consumption. It can also create powerful “word of mouth” that helps attract new customers. Good customer service together with the commodities consumed by customers, contribute to the totality of shopping experience. In fact, the same principle can be applied to customer service centres, repair centres, government offices and even to all organisations where interactions with customers exist.
Certification Standard
HKQAA believes service quality is not only crucial to an individual organisation but also to Hong Kong as a world-class city. To build a regional brand of good service, HKQAA launched the Service Quality Management (SQM) Certification Scheme to recognise corporations with outstanding achievements in providing good customer service to their customers. 
An SQM certificate and window sticker (for companies with retail outlets) will be awarded to companies that meet HKQAA award and certificate requirements. HKQAA will conduct a Service Performance Assessment and Service Management Assessment to evaluate service performance from the customers’ perspective as well as to assess their level of support and performance of supporting departments.
Benefits of Certification 
  • Enhance corporate image by demonstrating SQM with a certificate and window sticker
  • More business by winning “word of mouth”
  • Engage both front-line and back-end staff in the process of the scheme in order to promote service awareness at all levels, from front-line to management
  • Identify areas for improvement in terms of service delivery of their front-line staff from a customer point of view
  • Keep track of the level of support and performance of supporting departments
For more information, please contact:

Telephone: 2202 9111
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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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