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Certification Services

ISO 9001  |  SQM  |  ISO 10002  |  GPMS  |  HKQAA - 5S  


Property development plays an important role in the economic development of both Hong Kong and Macau. Most people spend the majority of their income to buy properties and build their dream home. The well-being of their homes rely heavily on property management services. As more large-scale private housing estates are built in Hong Kong, the quality of property management services have been improved a lot and the scope has been expanded beyond security guarding and cleaning. Nowadays, a similar development process happens in Macau; good property management practices in Hong Kong can be utilised to help property management companies in Macau.

Certification Standard
Due to a growing need for good property management services in Macau, a Good Property Management Services (GPMS) Certification Scheme was developed by HKQAA exclusively to provide a framework for assessing and recognising property management companies of commendable service performance.
  • Enables certified companies to achieve the requirements of applicable international standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 10002
  • Introduces preventive and proactive approaches of property management to enhance planning and operational control
System Requirements
The GPMS certification scheme has three main components:
1.           Background Qualification
2.           Operation
3.           Quality System
Benefits of Certification
The GMPS Certification Scheme, through training, implementation and certification, aims to:
  • Improve the property management services quality level in an open, impartial and effective manner
  • Uplift organisational performance through the implementation process
  • Achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction in property management

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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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