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HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Start-up Plus  |  HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Start-ups  

HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Start-up Plus

Support the Development of Start-up and Open API in Hong Kong
Fintech and Open API have become hot topics in recent years, with the continuous support of the HKSAR Government. However, as related start-up companies lack operational knowledge and experience, it can be difficult for them to gain the trust of their clients to develop their business. 

HKQAA has developed the Hong Kong Registration – Start-up Plus, which is an extension of the Hong Kong Registration – Start-ups. With additional elements related to information security management in Open API, the Scheme echoes Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s latest documents and helps pave the way to smart banking in the near future, as well as meeting industry needs. 



The management principles behind the recommended practices are based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking. The Scheme helps Start-ups:

  • Identify and manage the major risks to quality, and financial and information security, especially those related to Open API
  • Improve their management performance
  • Demonstrate their management standard and competence
  • Enhance their clients’ and business partners’ confidence in them







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