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HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Start-up Plus  |  HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Start-ups  

HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Start-ups

Nurture Technology Start-ups, Foster Long Term Development

In Hong Kong, there has been a significant increase in the number of start-ups in the past few years. Responding to market needs, HKQAA has developed this registration scheme to provide recommended practices for the start-ups to systematically manage their operations, particularly in quality, financial and information security aspects.


Our aim is to assist the start-ups to enhance their management performance and achieve long-term success by:

  • Achieving performance objectives by defining and monitoring the measurable targets and goals
  • Reducing business risks by identifying and managing the risks
  • Continual improvement of operations
  • Demonstrating management competence
  • Enhancing business partners’ confidence


For more details, you may refer to the Hong Kong Registration - Start-ups leaflet.


- Highlights of the Kick off Ceremony for HKQAA Hong Kong Registration – Start-ups (13 May 2016)



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