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Online Conference on Beyond Community Development, How Social Capital Impacts Your ESG Performance

 Online Conference (3 Sept 2020)

Beyond Community Development, How Social Capital Impacts Your ESG Performance

Online Conference on "Beyond Community Development, How Social Capital Impacts Your ESG Performance" successfully held on 3 September 2020. Experts from different sectors shared their knowledge and experience on CSR, ESG and sustainability from a social capital perspective. The event attracted over 200 guests, including representatives from leading corporations and organisations participating in this whole-day online event. Please click view below to watch the presentations and download the slides.  



Speaker Topic Powerpoint* Video*
Chairman, Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF) Committee
Keynote 1: Facing COVID-19 Crisis: Role of Social Capital and ESG  view view
Ms Anita MO
Chief Executive Officer,
Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited
Keynote 2: ESG Investing By Request view
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, HKQAA
Keynote 3: Enhancing ESG Performance and Building Social Capital view view
Assistant Senior Manager, Sustainability, HKQAA
Introduction to Social Capital and 7 Core Subjects view view
Dr Calvin Lee KWAN
Head of Sustainability,
Link Asset Management Limited
Presentation 1: Building Reciprocal Partnerships in Business    
Ms Julie WONG
Assistant Director – Sustainability, NWS Holdings Limited
Presentation 2: Building Social Capital through CSV By Request  
Director - Group Sustainability, CLP Group
Presentation 3: How to Build Good Governance to Drive ESG Performance view  
Ms Jorine TAM
Director, Corporate Business, HKQAA
Introduction to Corporate Social Capital Implementation Guidance Document (Presentation in Cantonese ) view view
Prof Lubanski LAM
Assistant Professor of Department of Business Administration, 
Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Presentation 4: Six Dimensions of Social Capital and ESG (Presentation in Cantonese)

view view
Dr Amie LAI
Senior Sustainable Development Manager, Swire Properties Limited
Presentation 5: Staff Buy-in and Participation in Forming the Sustainable Development Strategy: SD2030 (Presentation in Cantonese) By Request view
Ms Lilian LAW, MH, JP
Former Executive Director, The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
Presentation 6: Sustainable Partnership with Charities and NGOs (Presentation in Cantonese) view view
Ms Esther YU
Sustainability Manager, The Wharf (Holdings) Limited
Presentation 7: Business-in-Community: Driving Social Changes and Building Networks (Presentation in Cantonese) view view


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