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HKQAA Symposium - Event Highlights (25 Aug 2023)



Click here for Event Highlights







Ir C. S. Ho

Chairman of HKQAA

Welcoming Remarks view


Mr Tai Sheung Shing, Victor, JP

The Acting Secretary For Housing, the Government of HKSAR 

Opening Remarks   view


Mr Zhou Zhuohao

Director of Construction Market Supervision Division of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Guangdong Province

Keynote Remarks 




Mr Yang Yanzhang

Assistant to the Dean of Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection, Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation

Keynote Remarks 



Mr Ryan Ip, CFA, MRICS

Vice President and Co-Head of Research, Our Hong Kong Foundation

Building a Sustainable Future: Housing Development for a Livable City in the Region 




Ms Zhou Quan

Member of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC, Deputy Chief Engineer of Guandong Provincial Institute of Building Research 

High-quality Green Buildings Under the Background of Carbon Peak 



Mr Ng Wang Tsang, Andy 

Chairman of Hong Kong General chamber of Social Enterprises 

Building Inclusive Communities: The Role of Social Enterprises  





Mr K.T Ting

Chief Operating Officer of HKQAA





Ir Dr Cary Chan, JP

Executive Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council 



Ir Allan Chan, MH 

Permanent Supervisor, Hong Kong Construction Association


Prof Thomas Ng

Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering of City University of Hong Kong


Mr Ryan Ip, CFA, MRICS

Vice President and Co-Head of Research, Our Hong Kong Foundation

Panel Discussion - Innovative Construction Solutions to Benefit the Environment and Community 


*The presentation video will be uploaded to the website after receiving the consent from our speakers.



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