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ISO 37001  |  HKQAA Anti-Bribery Management Systems  

HKQAA Anti-Bribery Management Systems

Enhance Your Capability to Manage Bribery Risks


Bribery undermines good governance, hinders development, distorts competition and interferes with the fair and efficient operation of markets. It also erodes the profits of organisations, increases the operating costs and tarnishes reputation. Therefore, organisations should proactively contribute to combating bribery for the sake of themselves as well as the community.

To meet industry and social needs, HKQAA developed the HKQAA 37001 Anti-Bribery Management Systems Certification Scheme to provide a framework for organisations to implement reasonable and proportionate measures to manage bribery risks. We aim to help organisations establish a culture of
integrity, transparency and compliance.

This scheme is reference to ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems, as well as local and international guidelines for anti-bribery. It specifies a series of recommended practices for organisations to prevent, detect and address bribery. It can be used by any organization, large or small, whether it be in the public, private or voluntary sector.


Benefits of Certification

  • Establish a management system to improve anti-bribery performance
  • Safeguard your organisation’s integrity and reputation
  • Enhance staff’s awareness about bribery by providing training for them
  • Reduce bribery risks by proactive management
  • Enhance stakeholders’ confidence by demonstrating your organisation’s capability in anti-bribery management
  • Promote anti-bribery in the community

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Last Update: 2024-07-26   Disclaimer and Copyright
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