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Certification Services

ISO 55001  |  PAS 55-1  

ISO 55001

Asset Management Systems Certification
Optimise the performance of your assets

Effective management of assets can help improve an organisation’s bottom line by reducing maintenance costs, increasing the reliability of systems and components and reducing the number of systems and components needed to support business operations. Additionally, through continual improvement in operational performance and control of product or service delivery, it enables an organisation to enhance customer satisfaction and corporate image, so as to increase competitiveness.
ISO 55001 specifies the requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of a management system for asset management. All types and sizes of organisation, from small and medium enterprises to multinationals, can apply ISO 55001 to optimise asset management performance in a sustainable manner. The standard is applicable to all types of assets and intended to be used particularly for managing physical assets.  



Benefits of Certification 
  • Assistance with the asset management process at all levels, from capital budgeting to maintenance planning and operation
  • Recognition for implementation of an integrated life cycle asset management system
  • Enhanced credibility in the areas of good practice and corporate governance
  • A robust platform for developing further improvement
  • A competitive edge by ensuring improving asset management effectiveness
  • Demonstration of a commitment to sustainability issues
  • Enhanced corporate image

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