


[SR01] 如何撰寫企業持續發展報告

How to Prepare Corporate Sustainability Report?
Who should attend
  • Consultants, managers, government officials, financial analysts and senior staff personnel who concern about corporate social responsibilities and responsible for its implementation of the reporting process
Course objectives
  • To provide a step-by-step guideline for corporate sustainability reporting 
  • To provide hands on experience in producing corporate sustainability reports using the internationally recognized G4 GRI Guidelines
  • To introduce latest trends in corporate sustainability reporting and assurance, e.g. ESG reporting
Course contents
  • What Is It?
  1. Concept of sustainability
  2. Introduction to sustainability reporting
  • Why Report?
  1. Stakeholder engagement and strategic management tool
  2. Local, mainland and global trends in sustainability reporting
  • How to Report?  
  1. Adopt the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines  
  2. Step-by-step report preparation workshop: from issue identification and prioritization, choice of key performance indicators, key messages, communication of performance and vision, designing stakeholder feedback and engagement, to layout presentation, preparation for third-party assurance.
  3. Report assurance
  • Learning from others
  1. Best practice case studies from leading local and overseas reporting companies
  • What’s More Beyond the Report?  
  1. Integrating reporting into management and strategy review
  2. Integrating reporting intostakeholder engagement
  3. Using substainability reporting in staff education, marketing, etc.
Certificate of attendance
  • Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants who have attended more than 90% of the enrolled course hours
Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Joanne Chan at 6050 8153 during office hour (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) on Monday to Friday. 

備注: “HKQAA reserves the right to cancel the course, change the trainer, content, date, time and / or venue as necessary. Please read the terms and conditions at the bottom of this page before enrolment.” 上課時間:上午9時 - 下午5時分30分。





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SR01C/HK-05A 3 May 2022 (Tue) 1 day 1600 粵語 - 輔以英文講議 香港北角渣華道191號嘉華國際中心19樓

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